Welcome to IEEE JCC 2022!


Provisional congress schedule now available! Please click here to view the draft schedule. We will add an HTML version when the schedule is finalised.

Registration is now open! Please visit our registration page to register for the event (co-located with IEEE CISOSE).

The congress hotel is also now available with our special group rate of $137 per night. Please visit the hotel website and use group code IEE.

Cloud Computing technologies have become the backbone of modern IT infrastructures. Businesses usually adopt a multi-hybrid cloud strategy to achieve optimized portfolios of cloud services provided by different vendors and avoid single vendor lock-in. Meanwhile, this strategy brings technical challenges and complexities to build, manage and operate multi-hybrid clouds. JointCloud is used to refer to but not limited to Hybrid-Cloud, Inter-Cloud, Multi-Cloud, Cloud Federation, Cross-Cloud and Cloud Service Broker (CSB) etc.

IEEE JCC 2022 aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange innovative ideas, latest research results, and practical experiences and lessons learned around JointCloud. This years’ conference is scheduled to take place in the San Francisco Bay Area, from 15-18 August 2022.

Please see our Call for Papers via the menu above.

Important dates

Full paper submissionExtended to June 6, 2022
Paper acceptance notificationJune 30, 2022
Registration will be open startingJune 13, 2022
Author registration (final deadline)July 10, 2022
Main conference August 15-18, 2022

Important location information

IEEE JCC is being held in person, in the San Francisco Bay Area in August 2022. However, we recognise that some delegates will not be able to travel to the event due to visa and quarantine issues in their home countries. If delegates can show that they have a legitimate reason for not attending (e.g. visa wait time or quarantine restrictions) we will allow them to attend and present their papers online in special online sessions.

For those who can attend, the congress will be located at the Hilton DoubleTree Newark-Fremont, in the San Francisco Bay Area. Please see our hotel page for more information.

Associated Events


IEEE BigDataService


IEEE JointCloud

IEEE Mobile Cloud